The Cyber Beekeeper Analogy

Ouch 🙉 ! Ever click a suspicious link and instantly regret it? Guilty✋🏽! As a psychologist working with clients who build cutting-edge cybersecurity products, I see the ever-evolving threat landscape firsthand. It’s a constant battle against hackers who exploit human vulnerabilities. (And let me tell you, I recently got stung 🐝 victim to a very well-crafted phishing email myself that cost me dearly 💰).


Watching “The Beekeeper 🍯 ” (not a review, I promise) sparked a realisation: understanding the psychology behind these attacks is key to building better defences.


Building better defences starts with understanding the attacker’s mind. Here are some key insights I’ve grasped from my research on cybersecurity psychology.


1: Cognitive Biases: Our brains use shortcuts (heuristics) that can lead us astray. Phishing emails exploit these biases by creating a sense of urgency (scarcity) or leveraging authority figures to pressure us into clicking. Daniel Kahneman explain in his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” that these biases are inherent, but awareness and critical thinking can help mitigate them. 


  1. Social Influence: We naturally trust others and follow social cues. Phishing attacks mimic social interactions (e.g., emails from colleagues) to manipulate us. 


  1. Emotional Manipulation: Fear, guilt, and even excitement can cloud our judgment. Phishing emails often trigger strong emotions, making us more likely to act impulsively without critical thinking. 


  1. The Beekeeper Effect: The film “The Beekeeper” (though not the focus here) sparked a personal connection to this topic. It made me realise how many others might have fallen victim to similar scams, just like me. 


Making Awareness our honey 🍯


  • Slow down and think: Analyse any red flags (email address, contact source, etc).
  • Be Skeptical of Urgency: Verify when pressured into immediate action
  • Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest cyber threats and common phishing tactics. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework provides a wealth of resources on this topic.




Author: Angelica Ortega. Founder, Novify.

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